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Climax Hand Held Welding Shield Black CX410WS
Product Code: CMX21135
Pack Of 1
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The Climax 410 hand-held welding shield has been designed to provide effective protection against the radiation emitted during welding processes, as well as against incandescent particles released during such processes. The welding shield is also recommended for protection against the impact of low energy, high velocity particles EN 169 CE EN 175 CE Material: Polyamide and Fiberglass Welding glass measurements: 105 x 50 mm 110 x 55 mm
The Climax 410 hand-held welding shield has been designed to provide effective protection against the radiation emitted during welding processes, as well as against incandescent particles released during such processes. The welding shield is also recommended for protection against the impact of low energy, high velocity particles EN 169 CE EN 175 CE Material: Polyamide and Fiberglass Welding glass measurements: 105 x 50 mm 110 x 55 mm
EN 169 CE
EN 175 CE Material: Polyamide and Fiberglass
Welding glass measurements: 105 x50mm, 110 x55mm
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