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Moldex 7860 Spark Plug Earplugs 500 Refill Pack
Product Code: BSW01055
Pack Of 1
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Plug Stations can be easily and hygienically refilled Save 92% plastic waste with each refill Packaging made of 100% recycled plastic Earplugs are soft and comfortable 500 pairs All Plug Stations from year of manufacture 2022 onwards can be opened and refilled with our new Refill Packs SNR 35dB
Plug Stations can be easily and hygienically refilled Save 92% plastic waste with each refill Packaging made of 100% recycled plastic Earplugs are soft and comfortable 500 pairs All Plug Stations from year of manufacture 2022 onwards can be opened and refilled with our new Refill Packs SNR 35dB
500 pairs of Spark Plug Earplugs
Hygienic refill system
Refill pack for Moldex plug stations
SNR rating: 35dB
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