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Philip Harris Light Box And Optical Set
Product Code: HE1003069
Pack Of 1
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A set of optical apparatus for all types of optical experiment involving reflection, refraction and colour mixing. The principal component is a robust light box finished in matt black with a 20W halogen lamp with 0.75m of twin flex. One end of the box has a cylindrical convex lens in an adjustable sliding mount which allows a parallel, convergent or divergent beam to be produced. The other end of the box has a triple aperture system for colour mixing experiments, the lateral apertures have adjustable hinged mirrors. All apertures in the box are provided with vertical channels to hold slit plates and/or colour filters.Optical accessories included:Perspex blocks (prisms): One rectangular, one semi-circular, one triangular prism 60° x 60° x 60°, one triangular prism 90° x 60° x 30°, one triangular prism 90° x 45° x 45°Cylindrical Perspex lenses: One double concave, one double convex (both with the same radius of curvature), one thick double convexMirrors: One curved metallised plastic (parabolic), one curved metallised plastic (semi-circular), one plane glass (mounted on stand)Black plastic slit plates: One with three narrow slits and one narrow slit, one with four narrow slits and one wide slitSet of eight colour filters: Primary red, primary green, primary blue, cyan, violet, yellow, orange and magentaSet of eight coloured cards: Red, green, blue, violet, orange, cyan, yellow, pinkThe set is supplied complete with a spare lamp and a detailed instruction manual.Dimensions of light box: 170mm x 90mm x 55mmPower supply not included (PP00057620 or similar is required).The Light Box is also available to purchase separately (B8A44271).
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