In just eight weekly sessions Speed Up! provides a multi-sensory course of help for any child aged 8 Years + whose handwriting is illegible slow or lacking in fluency. Poor handwriting hinders many children's progress - right across the curriculum. Unfortunately most handwriting schemes do little to help children who are struggling with this vital skill. Here at last is a new and highly effective approach. Developed by a leading paediatric occupational therapist and designed specifically for older children struggling with handwriting Speed Up! gets to the root of writing difficulties by developing kinaesthetic awareness through multi-sensory activity and exercise.The programme includes:a baseline assessmentclear fully illustrated photocopiable instruction sheetsan overview of the theory behind the practiceadvice on identifying underlying causes of difficulty and how to tackle them.The sessions may be delivered by a teacher teaching assistant classroom assistant or therapist. The emphasis throughout is on enjoyment building self-esteem and developing writing confidence. Contains 64 A4 pages.